Mar 3, 2021
Spike in COVID-19 cases
The College has seen a large increase in COVID-19 cases since Monday, and we are well aware of presumptive speculation that we will move to Level 3. Rest…
The College has seen a large increase in COVID-19 cases since Monday, and we are well aware of presumptive speculation that we will move to Level 3. Rest…
The first two days of screening have seen nearly 1,100 students, faculty, and staff receive tests in Pfenning Alumni Center. The testing team from LVHN…
Safely returning to on-campus activity requires continued vigilance to adhere to all safety protocols, including required weekly screening tests. Every…
While we are all eager to return to spending time on campus with each other, resuming on-campus activity will require vigilant adherence to all safety…
The first round of employee testing will occur on Jan. 25, 26, and 27. Employees scheduled for weekly testing, as well as staff of our campus partners…
As a follow-up to my message in Tuesday’s edition of Lafayette Today, I want to repeat and clarify several points related to the distribution of COVID-19…
To the Lafayette community: As I promised in my Sept. 28 memo to you, I am writing today to share our plan for the spring 2021 semester. We will welcome…
As of May 28, 2020 – may be amended as necessary Fiscal Impact on Employees President Byerly’s May 28 Message | FAQ: Compensation Reductions …
Posted May 28, 2020 – Updated July 31, 2020 – may be amended as necessary Fiscal Impact on Employees President Byerly’s May 28 Message | FAQ:…
As of May 28, 2020 – may be amended as necessary Fiscal Impact on Employees President Byerly’s May 28 Message | FAQ: Retirement Contribution Suspension…