Similar to many institutions, we are seeing a slight rise in COVID-19 cases. Seven students have tested positive since Dec. 13. We also see widespread cases of influenza A and B (at least 70 students this semester) and cases of a non-flu respiratory infection. The symptoms of these illnesses, in addition to those of the common cold, can overlap with COVID-19 symptoms.
A few precautionary advisories as the fall semester concludes:
- Students who have no exams or only take-home exams and who can complete final projects/papers from home should do so.
- Students with registrar-scheduled exams should plan to depart campus following their last exam.
- Everyone should avoid functions with large numbers of unmasked people.
- Students with vulnerable family members at home should get a COVID-19 test before leaving campus. Bailey Health Center continues to have extra staff on hand to complete COVID-19 testing, and students with symptoms should be tested. The testing hours are Monday through Friday, 9:15-11:30 a.m. and 1:15-3:30 p.m.
- Anyone experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19, flu, or colds should mask vigilantly at home/residence, get tested for COVID-19, and not attend class, the office, and other functions until receiving a negative test result.
- Those who have not yet received a booster, and whose initial series of vaccines were completed six months ago with Pfizer or Moderna or two months ago with Johnson & Johnson, should make arrangements to get one. Booster vaccines are available at local pharmacies, and several are accessible via LANTA bus at no cost to students, faculty, and staff.
- You can stay up to date on the number of COVID-19 cases among students, faculty, and staff by checking the COVID-19 dashboard.
Masking inside academic and administrative buildings is a MUST. We commend the many students, faculty, and staff who wear their masks while using these spaces. It is essential that everyone comply with the mask requirements or we will be forced to limit access to spaces outside exam periods. The health and safety of our entire community requires that we remain vigilant as we begin to see the impact of the new variant.
Spring semester COVID-19 planning
Information about how we will manage the on-campus environment for spring, including expanded testing, masking guidance, and information about isolation spaces, will be distributed in January. We continue to be actively engaged in refining our plans to help keep all members of our community safe and together here on College Hill.
COVID-19 Action Group