To the Lafayette Community:

As President Byerly announced in the video distributed yesterday, Lafayette has extended its period of remote instruction for the remainder of the spring semester. Today concludes Spring Break; remote instruction will begin on Monday.

We have several updates for you as well as a link to a set of more detailed FAQs for students. (Additional questions and answers will be posted to the site in the coming days.) If you have any questions about the information we provide, or if you have questions that we have not answered, please contact us at

Today, we can share initial decisions on two items that are of particular importance to students and their families.

  • Room and Board: The College is working on a process to prorate room and board fees where appropriate. The details are being worked on in earnest, and the College will have further information available by the first week of April. For those families on a payment plan, we will make the required adjustments.

  • Student Move Out: In keeping with a March 19 directive from Pennsylvania Gov. Wolf, we cannot accommodate student requests to retrieve their belongings from the residence halls at this time. Once it is advisable to have you come back to campus, we will notify you and post new information on MyHousing allowing you to schedule a time to retrieve your belongings.

For the time being, faculty and staff should come to campus only when it is absolutely necessary. Those who do come to campus should minimize their time there, avoid contact with others, and constrain the areas they visit. The College is in continuous communication with the students who remain on campus regarding the services being provided and the limitations on their movements and gatherings.

A set of updated FAQs for faculty and staff will be available early next week on the College’s online COVID-19 Updates and Information page.

Please continue to direct questions you may have to We will respond to your email as soon as we can, and we will continue to add information to as appropriate.

Be well and stay safe.

Lafayette’s COVID-19 Response Team