Update from President Byerly (video)President Byerly provides an update for the extended Lafayette community—students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, and friends of the College—about the College’s actions in response to COVID-19. |
Announcements |
Peer connectionsStudents are invited to register for Google Meet chats held by the Counseling Center to share experiences and ideas with each other. Topics discussed may include adjusting to remote learning, coping with COVID-19, and building connections. |
Writing Associates soughtIf you enjoy writing, talking about writing, and helping other writers, then apply to be a WA for fall 2020. All majors are accepted. Applicants with significant coursework in biology, psychology, economics, or engineering are especially encouraged to apply. The deadline for applications is Friday, April 10. Questions or concerns? Contact Christian Tatu, College Writing Program coordinator. |
Virtual Events |
Trivia nightEnjoy five rounds of questions on music, movies, pop culture, and more from 8:30 to 10 p.m. Friday. Prizes will be awarded. Register for your Kahoot and Zoom logins. |
Remote working tips and tricksJoin ITS on Friday at 1:30 p.m. on Google Meet to learn about secure web conferencing, accessing files from Google Drive and P/U, leveraging Google Calendar more than you might realize is possible, and more. Submit your own tips, tricks, or questions about using technology to support remote working. |
Southern teachersJoin an information session at noon today with the premier placement agency for private and independent schools around the South. |
Achieving academic success remotelyAbby Schaffer, college transition coordinator, will talk about best practices for online learning, methods to stay organized, and ways to maximize your participation during online class meetings. Join the workshop from 4 to 5 p.m. today. |
More events onlineSee what’s coming up and post your own virtual activities. |
News |
Tough love, but fair to allJoe Kinney leaves a lasting legacy after leading Lafayette’s baseball team for the past 21 years. |
Economic effects of COVID-19Amy Guisinger and Erin Cottle Hunt, both assistant professors of economics, were featured in a PBS39 report about how the COVID-19 outbreak is affecting the labor market and economy and what programs are available to assist displaced workers. |
COVID-19 resources |
Be well and stay safe. |