With most of us physically separated, it’s all the more important to take advantage of opportunities to strengthen the bonds of community. The annual Hoff Awards are an important way that we do this—by nominating deserving individuals, groups, and programs who have provided our community with inspiration, leadership, and service. Nominations are due by Wednesday, April 15. The online ceremony will take place at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 6. |
Announcements |
Study abroad sessionsGet Started Sessions provide basic information necessary for students to begin the study abroad program selection and application process. Attendance at one session is required to participate in an affiliated semester/academic year program and before meeting with a study abroad adviser. The next session takes place at 12:10 p.m. today via Google Meet. |
Virtual 5KTie up your laces and join fellow Pards in completing a 5K by April 30. Registration is free; a donation of $25 to the Krivoski Student Assistance Fund is suggested. Prizes will be awarded. |
Virtual Events |
SalsaJoin us for stress-relieving dancing from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. |
Southern teachersJoin an information session at noon Thursday with the premier placement agency for private and independent schools around the South. |
Achieving academic success remotelyAbby Schaffer, college transition coordinator, will talk about best practices for online learning, methods to stay organized, and ways to maximize your participation during online class meetings. Join the workshop from 4 to 5 p.m. Thursday. |
Open sustainability meetingLearn about campus initiatives from noon to 1 p.m. today. |
More events onlineSee what’s coming up and post your own virtual activities. |
News |
Engineering creates medical equipment with 3D printersLafayette is producing disposable stethoscopes for St. Luke’s and face shields for Easton Hospital. |
Helping local businessesThe College is a partner in an effort to raise $300,000 to provide emergency capital to small business owners in Easton. |
A change in the college experienceAn article quotes Julianna Shmaruk ’23 on what it’s been like to do remote learning from home. |
COVID-19 resources |
Be well and stay safe. |