Good morning! We’re in the third week of remote instruction. Please remember that if you’re struggling or uncertain, there are people eager to help. Take advantage of the Counseling Center’s coping tips and resources. Check out our remote library services, technical assistance, and CITLS resources. Read the information in FAQs on learning, teaching, or working. Or let us help you get in touch with someone who can reassure you or point you in the right direction. Learning and working remotely is a challenge we’re tackling together—we can do this, Lafayette! |
Announcements |
Lafayette Advising newsletterThe April issue includes FAQs about remote services, an online Q&A session for faculty advisers on pass/fail, news on the Hub’s academic support programs, external fellowship and scholarship award winners, First-gen Forward Designation, and advising resources. |
Virtual Events |
COVID-19 answersLocal, state, and federal officials will address concerns and raise awareness of resources at an online town hall today from 10 to 11 a.m. on Zoom. |
Candy and Career ChatsGateway counselors will answer your questions from 3 to 4 p.m. today via Zoom. |
ZumbaReserve your spot for a live workout from 5 to 5:30 p.m. today. |
Buddhist meditationEveryone is encouraged to join for all three meditation periods from 5:30 to 7 p.m., but if you can only do one or two, that’s fine also. |
Live yoga toneStart your day off right tomorrow from 8:30 to 9 a.m. |
Virtual town hallJoin Easton Mayor Sal Panto Jr. online at 4 p.m. tomorrow for an update on the city’s response to COVID-19 and its impact on the city’s budget. Members of the public will be able to ask questions and offer comments. |
More events onlineWe’ve removed the clutter of canceled events from the online calendar; see what’s coming up and post your own virtual activities. |
News |
We’ve got the beatWatch a mashup of original percussion pieces performed on household objects by Prof. Larry Stockton and his students. |
The original hipster litIn his new book, Prof. Steven Belletto explores how the Beat Generation changed American literature and culture. |
COVID-19 Resources |
Be well and stay safe. |